
Adrenals & Hormones

Natural Hormone Therapy

In 1991 the well known Women’s Health Initiative Study was begun to determine the safety and efficacy of HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy). The study was stopped early (2001) when the researchers found that the subjects given the synthetic hormones had a greater incidence of coronary heart disease, breast cancer, stroke, and pulmonary embolism than the subjects on placebo. Hormone Replacement Therapy use declined in the U.S. and around the world followed by a decline in breast cancer.

Since then, the push has been for women to be given Bioidentical Hormones. Although better than synthetic hormones, because they are plant based, they usually afford positive symptom improvement for about 6-12 months and then symptoms of hormone imbalance often returns. The biggest missing piece of the puzzle is usually always the Adrenal Stress System. Anyone who experiences prolonged stress has adrenal exhaustion or “Adrenal Burnout.” Optimum adrenal gland function is absolutely essential for healthy sex hormone balance, in both men and women, because the adrenal glands are the master precursor glands that control the function of all hormones. 

To determine if you need an adrenal gland regeneration program (nutrition and healthy lifestyle plan) Dr. Campbell will review your health history and he will analyze a Symptom Survey Form that you will fill out.

If it is determined that your adrenals should be tested, you will be given a saliva test kit which you will take home. Your saliva, which you will collect at 4 times throughout the day, will be sent to Biohealth Labs in Santa Monica for analysis of your Cortisol, DHEA levels. Additional options may also include the estrogens, progesterone, testosterone and melatonin. Depending on your levels of hormones, Dr. Campbell will determine what stage of adrenal exhaustion you are in (1, 2, or 3) and appropriate treatment protocols will be prescribed. Typical treatment programs last from 3-12 months and include dietary and lifestyle changes and coaching.

Once the adrenals are regenerated (as determined by a follow up lab test), usually the sex hormones will be balanced and rarely need any further balancing except occasionally some natural progesterone (for women) may need to be supplemented. If this is done properly, rarely is estrogen ever needed.

Natural hormone balancing through Adrenal Regeneration can bring about great relief and resolve many health issues including: chronic pain, increased belly fat, digestive issues, mental and emotional distress, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and infertility. Many women can often easily become pregnant with a natural hormone augmentation program and not have to spend ridiculous amounts of money and years of treatment in medical infertility clinics and men will benefit from a natural rise of testosterone. 

If indicated, we can also order a month long female hormone panel. This is done by salivary collection every other day throughout the monthly cycle. Indications for this test would be : PMS, anxiety, “monthly” migraine headaches, low libido, depression and infertility.

  • Proper levels of female sex hormones at proper times are required to: develop a follicle in the ovary, cause it to rupture at ovulation, nourish the endometrial lining of the uterus to prepare it for implantation of the embryo, inhibit maturation of another follicle during that same cycle, and cause the uterine lining to shed if an ovum is not fertilized.

  • By mapping the menstrual cycle using the month long panel, difficulties with the timing, distribution and output of estradiol and progesterone are uncovered and can be addressed using bio-identical hormones or herbal preparations that support hormone levels.


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  • "As a new OSU student, I needed to find a Chiropractor while here at school. My first visit was very fast, easy and comfortable and I feel great! Thanks Dr. Campbell :)"
    Annaleigh S.